SEKO-NA Forklift Scale Logo
SEKO Forklift Scale - Accurate Onboard Forktruck Weighing
- Wireless Modular Forklift and Fork Truck Scale and Weighing System -
Attachment Compatible for Weighing, Piece Counting, Batching and Bale Clamp
Home Product

SEKO Scale

Modular Forklift Scale
  Simple - Accurate - Rugged - Reliable
All SEKO Forklift Scales are Nominally 99.9% Accurate (+/- 0.1% Error - 1 Pound Error per Thousand Pound Load)

Technical Information

SEKO Flashing LED Wireless Battery Charge Indicator.

All SEKO Wireless scales are equipped with 3.6 Volt, 13.4 Ampere Hour Lithium-Ion  rechargeable battery packs.

We set the battery charge state switches to 101. At the battery 3 Volt level, the charge LED begins to flash and at 2.8 Volts, the transmitter goes to sleep mode.

While the red "low battery" indicator flashes, the scale continues to operate normally. There is a built-in delay of 100 hours or more
to allow the operator to schedule a convenient moment for recharging the battery before the system enters a Sleep Mode. In the Sleep Mode, the scale will not operate.

If the battery goes to sleep mode, the operator must first recharge the battery. While the battery is charging, the SEKO Forklift Scale Battery Charger will show a red indicator light. When the battery has completed charging, the battery charger indicator will show a green light.

After the battery is recharged, the operator must press the Transmitter Reset (V+  disconnect) switch on each weigh module or Junction Box for several seconds to allow the transmitter to recover from the sleep mode and begin renewed operation. It may take two minutes or more for the Transmitter(s) to connect with the Receiver in the Scale Display.

Transmitter Cover
Wireless Transmitter Cover
R320 Indicator Flashing LED

SEKO-NA Forklift Scale Logo  Maple Leaf Image  US Flag Eagle
Global Contact:
North America:
SEKO Forklift Scale N.A. LLC
718 South Front Street - Rawlins, Wyoming USA 82301

Accurate, Reliable and Rugged Forklift Scale Technology
Maple Leaf Image  US Flag Eagle
North America
  Toll-Free  800-594-9288
  +01 307-321-4505

Henry Nicolle
Last Revisions: 10 April, 2023